Tidy Happy Calm Blog

Read on for advice, support and inspiration to help you get started in your decluttering and organising journey. 

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Inspiring a sustainable future

March sees the arrival of Spring Clearing Week, and as this year's theme is "Inspiring a sustainable future" I was delighted to have been asked by APDO to write a blog post about the importance of decluttering in building a brighter future for all of us... 

How does virtual declutter coaching actually work?

For most of my in-person clients, I come to their house, they show me around the spaces where they are most struggling with clutter, and we set to work. But what if you live further away and still want and need my help? Let me talk you through how virtual decluttering works… 

Making decluttering fun

One of the big barriers to decluttering and getting organised is boredom. For most people the prospect of sorting laundry, tidying counter tops, or going through old junk stashed away in the loft is hardly exciting. Here's how to breakthrough the boredom…

Why searching for the perfect organising system is just holding you back 

Are you someone who isn’t moving forward with getting organised or decluttering because you are waiting for the perfect system? Then take a read of my home truths to help get you started...

How and why you need to teach kids to tidy

Are you fed up with asking the smaller, messier members of your home to tidy up? Or do you find that once their space is 'tidied', all the clutter has actually just been dumped in a drawer or cupboard?  Maybe they just need some help to understand how to tidy up?... 

Declutter negative language

I talk a lot about changing how you think about your possessions to help you successfully declutter, but changing how you think about yourself (and talk about yourself) can also make a massive difference. Here’s why…

How to write a to do list

I love a to do list – it can help me feel in control when I feel like I’m being pulled in a million different directions to do all the things. But seeing everything written down can feel just as overwhelming! Check out my tips to help you get started and make progress…

Declutter to de-stress

If you’re reading this you are probably well aware of the stress-inducing properties of clutter, so let’s look at why it can make us feel on edge and what simple steps you can take to address it…

Bringing others on your decluttering journey

You’ve decided you want to tackle your clutter, but your family or housemates don’t get it, or maybe they keep undoing all your good work? How can you keep your decluttering and organising journey on track?

How sustainable is decluttering?

The idea of decluttering can be quite challenging for anyone who is concerned about their environmental impact – since there is no ‘away’ into which we can throw things (everything ends up somewhere). So how can you reconcile these two apparently opposing ideas?

Keep the story, lose the books

Decluttering books can be a real sticking-point for many, but why? What is so hard about letting go of words printed onto paper? Often it's down to the powerful stories they contain which can make letting go really tough. 

Here are a few pointers to help you learn to let go...

Love the skin you're in

For some people, doing a wardrobe clear-out can be a simple way into decluttering their home. They just ditch the stuff they don’t wear any more or don’t like, and keep the rest. Simple!

Or not... 

Everything is not special

Sentimental items can be really hard to deal with as they can evoke such powerful feelings. Whether it’s photos, kids’ drawings, or even a collection of scarves. 

How can you start to tackle these challenging items? By shifting your mindset...

How to set SMART goals

Setting yourself a resolution to “declutter the house” is a huge undertaking, and frankly too vague and too overwhelming for you to even get started with. Get SMART instead and break down your goal. Here’s how…

Sorting out your smellies

The perenial gifting-favourite of a toiletries set means many of us have mountains of bath salts, and heaps of body butters cluttering up our bathrooms! 

Here's how to sort them out and make the most out of them...

'Tis the season to get organised

The festive period can be a wonderful time to unwind after a busy year, but it is all too easy for stress-levels to rise with so many pressures to create the ‘perfect’ Christmas. Time to get organised...

Clutter-free gifts

How can you give (or receive) a thoughtful gift without generating yet more clutter? Here are my five top tips...

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